poniedziałek, 26 stycznia 2009

English learning podcasts

I've recently bought a new mobile. Now, I can listen to the music, radio etc. during my road from home to work and back. But I decided to make me lost time more useful for me. Learning English while walking, travelling by train or tram is good idea for me because I always haven't time for things like this.

Below I'll list some English podcasts which can be useful for English learners. Contrary to appearances finding a good podcast isn't an easy thing.

1. Englishpod - a very good web site with new lessons coming three times a week. You find there podcasts for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners. Englishpod.com started nearly three months ago and there over 30 lessons and the founders want to build community of learners. All podcasts are for free, you must pay only for lessons transcripts and posting comments. But till 31 January 2009 all register users have premium access.

2. BBC Learning English - Portal with a lot of different lessons. I recommend:
  • 6 minute English - each podcast is a radio report conducted in the form of conversation of two reporters
  • Grammar chalenge - short podcasts where learners must cope with English grammar, each episode has a new character from non-English spoken country.
  • Talk about English - series of podcasts about English :)
On BBC Learnig English you also find a lot of other useful materials but I wrote only about podcasts

3. BusinessEnglishPod - according to the page: Business English Pod provides free weekly MP3 podcast ESL lessons and audio / e-Book courses for intermediate and advanced business English learners. Each business English podcast lesson is focused on a particular workplace English skill (meetings, presentations, telephoning, negotiating, socializing, travel, conversation etc.) and language function (clarifying, disagreeing, questioning, expressing opinions, persuasion etc.).
Podcasts are for free but additional materials are only for the premium users.

LearnEnglish - English podcasts from the best source - British Council. A huge collection of podcats starting from elementary lessons and ending on scientific reports. All materials are for free.

Podcasts which I haven't tested yet:

If you know other useful English podcasts please post a comment.

Sorry for any mistakes ;)

2 komentarze:

Anonimowy pisze...

Ciekawa lista! Od siebie dorzuciłbym jeszcze http://www.effortlessenglishpage.com/p/mp3-free-download.html stronka, z której korzystam na codzień

Anonimowy pisze...

Witam! Gorąco polecam najlepszą i najbogatszą znaną mi stronę z podcastami dla uczących się angielskiego: http://www.eslpod.com/website/index_new.html

Polecam również stronkę, na której zebrałem linki do sprawdzonych stron z podcastami, słownikami i innymi materiałami do nauki angielskiego: http://goodenglishlearning.webs.com/apps/links/

Tomasz Szczegóła